Elliot I. Axelband
Research Professor; Astronautical Engineering Department
IEEE Life Fellow, INCOSE Fellow, IEEE Control Society Past President, Past Chair of IEEE Fellows.
UCLA Executive MBA Program,1983
Ph. D. in Engineering, UCLA, 1966
M.S. in Electrical Engineering, USC, 1960
B.E.E. in Electrical Engineering, The Cooper Union, 1958
Background Information
Professor Elliot Axelband worked for the Hughes Aircraft Co. from 1958 through 1994. He held different positions including Division Manager of the Advanced Programs Division (1984-1986) and Vice President and General Manager of Tactical Avionics Division (1986-1991) in the Electro - Optical and Data Systems Group, and Vice President of Systems Sector (1991-1993) in the Ground Systems Group. He was a Research Professor of Electrical Engineering and Director of the Graduate Program in Systems Architecting and Engineering in the USC Viterbi Engineering School from 1994 to 2003. From 1994 to July 2001 he was the Viterbi Associate Dean for Research Development. He is currently a Research Professor in the Astronautical Engineering Department where he focuses on Systems Architecting and Engineering, and a RAND Senior Engineer.Research Interests
Systems Architecting; Systems Engineering; Systems Acquisition; Program Management; Control Theory and Application; Department of Defense, Government, and Industry Strategy, Policy, Planning, Program Execution, Force Development, Technology Development and Transfer, Education and Training; UAVs; Cyber; Targeting; National Space Systems; Processing Exploitation and Dissemination;Virtual Air Operation Centers; etc.Teaching Experience
At USC:- 1967- 1977: Senior and Graduate Courses in: Applied Mathematics, Control System, and Statistics
- 1994 – 2003: AE 549a, Systems Architecting and Engineering
- 2010,11, and14: Lectures in Systems Acquisition
- 1980, the Extension Program in Avionics on Systems Architecting and Engineering.
Professional Societies and Service
- Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEEE) Control Systems Society (1966 to Present)
- Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEEE) Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society (1980 to Present)
- American Defense Preparedness Association (ADPA) (1975- Present)
- International Council on System Engineering (1994 – Present)
- United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board (1988 to 1992)
- Systems and Software Productivity Consortium (2005 to 2006)
- Department of Defense Scientific Advisory Board (2008)
Honors and Awards
- 1954-58: New York State Regents Scholarship
- 1958-60: Hughes Masters Fellowship, USC
- 1963-66: Hughes Doctoral Fellowship, UCLA
- 1963-66: UCLA Graduate Research Fellowship
- 1967-68: Chairman, Los Angeles Chapter of IEEE Group on Automatic Controls
- 1969: Recipient, Best Paper Award, Joint Automatic Controls Conference, IEEE Controls Society
- 1970-72: Member, Information Dissemination Committee (Editorial Board), IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
- 1974: Chairman, IEEE Decision and Controls Conference
- 1974-76: Chairman, Information Dissemination Committee (Editorial Board), IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, and Vice President, IEEE Controls Society
- 1977: President of the IEEE Controls System Society
- 1977: Chairman, IEEE Controls Society Annual Meeting on Science and Engineering Technology, Silver Springs, MD
- 1980: Fellow, IEEE: "For fundamental contributions to the theory of Distributed Parameter Systems, and for outstanding leadership of spacecraft and missile programs."
- 1980-95: Member, Science and Engineering Technology Executive Committee, American Defense Preparedness Association
- 1983: Co-Chairman, American Defense Preparedness Association Annual Meeting on Science and Engineering Technology, Silver Springs, MD
- 1983: Recipient, Distinguished Service Award, IEEE Control Systems Society
- 1984: Recipient, the IEEE Centennial Medal, "...for extrordinary achievement."
- 1885: Management Certificate, School of Business, UCLA
- 1988-92: Member, United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board
- 1988-93: Member Board of Councilors USC School of Engineering
- 1989: Steering Committee, ADPA National Symposium on Sensor Fusion, Orlando, FL
- 1989: Defense Preparedness Award, "In Recognition of Outstanding Service to the Defense Preparedness of our Nation," ADPA
- 1990-92: Chairman, Electronics & Command, Control & Communications Integration Panel of the United States Air Force Scientific Advisery Board
- 1992: Award for Meritorious Civilian Service, United States Air Force
- 1994, and 1997 to 1999 : Director, International Council on Systems Engineering, Process Owner for INCOSE Research
- 1996 to 2008: Head, Fellows Search Committee, IEEE Society on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
- 1996-01: Member, Board of Governors, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society
- 1996 to 1999: Director, IEEE Society on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
- 1999-present: Fellow, International Council on Systems Engineering
- 1999- 2004: Member, Fellows Selection Committee, INCOSE
- 2001-5: Member, US Air Force Center for Systems Engineering Advisory Committee
- 2002: Life Fellow, IEEE
- 2003 – 6: Chair, Fellows Committee, International Council on Systems Engineering
- 2004-5: Member, DoD JSF Independent Review Team
- 2005-6: Member, Navy JSF Independent Review Team-2
- 2005: USC Dean of Engineering’s Recognition Award for Accomplishments as Associate Dean for Research Development and Director of the Graduate Program in System Architecting and Engineering
- 2005-6: Systems Engineering Advisory Board, Systems and Software Productivity Consortium
- 2006: Member, DoD Scientific Advisory Board Summer Study
- 2007: Member, Navy VH-11 Presidential Helicopter Review Team
- 2008: Head, Proposal Red Team, Systems Engineering Research Consortium (SERC) University submitters to become an Affiliated Research Center (UARC) the winning proposal
- 2008-9: Member, Research Integrity Board, SERC-UARC
- 2010, and 2011: Conference Co-Chair and Industrial Leadership Roundtable Chair, Conference of Systems Engineering Research
- 2014: Industrial Leadership Roundtable Chair, Conference on Systems Engineering Research
Recent 20 Publication
- “ Building Towards a UAS Training Strategy”, RR-440-OSD, Charles Nemfakos, Bernard Rostker, Elliot Axelband et. al. , February 25, 2014
- “ Targeting Intelligence” , PR – 1048 – AF, Endy Daehner, Amado Cordova, Elliot Axelband, et. al., February 12, 2014
- “Technologies and Processes for Automating Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (PED)”, PR-153-AF, Lance Menthe, Amado Cordova, Elliot Axelband, et. al., November 2013, SECRET//NOFORN
- “Rapid Acquisition and Fielding for Information Assurance and Cyber Security in the Navy.”, Isaac R. Porche III, Shawn McKay, Megan P. McKernan, Robert Button, Kate Giglio and Elliot Axelband, Publication Cleared as unclassified on October 15, 2012, TR-1294-NAVY, ISBN: 978-0-8330-78855-1, Not Cleared for Public Release
- “The Costs and Benefits of Program Cancellations, An Exploratory Analysis”, Megan McKernan, Elliot Axelband, Jeffery Drezner, July 2012, PM-4076-OSD
- “Legislative Constraints on Acquisition Program Management and Oversight, An Exploratory Analysis”, Megan Mckernan, Jeffery Drezner, Elliot Axelband, Brian McInnis, June 2012, PM-4071-OSD
- “Lessons from the Army Future Combat Systems Program”, MG-1206-A, Christopher Pernin, Elliot Axelband, et. al., November 2011
- “ PEO Realignment Review”, (FOUO), RAND, DRR-5615-A, Kenneth Horn, Evira Loredo, Bruce Held, Elliot Axelband, John Peters, Shara Williams, November 2011
- “ Space Capabilities Development: Continuing Difficulties and Suggested Actions (U), RAND, MG-1045-AF, Myron Hura, Manuel Cohen, Elliot Axelband, et. al., 2011. FOUO
- “ Cyber Acquisition for the Army”, Isaac Porche III, Elliot Axelband, et. al., RAND DRR-5264-A, April 2011
- “ A Competency Assessment Guide for selecting a Competency Assessment Instrument, Status Report to the INCOSE Corporate Advisory Board”, INCOSE Fellows Action Item 09-03, June 18, 2011, Jack Ring, Elliot Axelband
- “ Ground Vehicle Development Challenges”, PM – 3600-OSD, Louis Moore, John Peters, Elliot Axelband, et. al., May 2011.
- “Army Red Teaming”, DRR-5330-A, Joel Predd, John Peters, Elliot Axelband et al, January 2011
- “Considerations in the U.S. Chemical Demilitarization Endgame”, Bruce Held, Christopher Pernin, Douglas Shontz, Shara Williams, Brian Dille, Elliot Axelband, Julie Kim, Caroline Reilly, MG-1090-OSD, December 2010
- “ The U.S. Combat and Tactical Wheeled Vehicle Fleets, Issues and Suggestions for Congress”, ISBN: 978-0-8330-5173-8,Terrence Kelly et. al, 2011
- “ Redefining Information Warfare Boundaries for an Army in a Wireless World”, RAND Corporation, DRR-5258 – A, September 2010, Isaac Porche, Christopher Paul, Elliot Axelband, Endy Min, and Michael York
- “The Other Quiet Professionals: Lessons Learned from the Evolution of Special Operation Forces for Future Cyber Forces”, RAND Corporation, DRR-5094-A, May 2010, Paul, Christopher, Isaac R. Porche, and Elliot Axelband
- “Managing Cyber C2 Challenges: Uncertainty, Acquisition, Materiel”, Presented by Isaac Porche, Richard Mesic and Elliot Axelband, RAND, at the International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, June 23, 2010, at the Fairmont Miramar Hotel, Santa Monica, CA.
- “Developing Army Capabilities for Cyber-Operations”, RAND Corporation, DRR-5166-A, July 2010, Porche, Isaac R., Christopher Paul, Elliot Axelband, Jerry M. Solinger, Bruce Held, Bradley Wilson, Ian P. Cook, and Michelle Kam
- “Coping with Emergence”, Proceedings of the INCOSE International Symposium, June, 2008, Elliot Axelband
Book Chapters
- "The Professionalization of System Architecting”, Chap 11, The Art of System Architecting, Prentice- Hall, Eb Rechtin and Mark Maier, editors and authors, July 1996
- “The Professionalization of System Architecting”, Chap 11, The Art of System Architecting, Third Edition, Prentice- Hall, Eb Rechtin and Mark Maier, editors and authors, March 2009
Editorial Board Member and Reviewer of Publications
- 1996 to Present: Associate Editor, INCOSE Journal